Thursday, December 18, 2008

Momma's Boys - Mrs. B's Racist Rant (Video)

Watch this video above of a racist mom on Ryan Gaycrest's new show

Then watch the video clip of JoJo killing his mom by kissing a black woman in a hot tub while his mom is watching innocently from a helicopter above.

What I fear is that I have heard my mother say things like this before:

"Over my dead body... and I am serious.... cuz I am ready to die"

"I will strangle your balls. I will castrate you"

"Your ass is mine"

"I am ready to kill somebody"

Thank God my mother would not go crazy over inter-racial dating or inter-religious relationships.

How does my mom describe her relationship prescriptions for her children:

"I don't care if they are Jewish or Christian or Muslim.... I don't care..... as long as they believe in God. They can be black, white, Mexican, red, green, brown... I do not care.... I mean it would be great if they were Chamorro or ya know pacific islander.... but I don't care---your mama (i.e. grandma) though.....she would care---but I don't care."


Josh Xing said...

"I don't like the big butt ones." The nerve of some people!

yeeknauwshamon said...

that was ridiculous. WHY IS SHE IN A HELICOPTER!?

andy khouri said...

James, you must continue this as a series of weekly highlights from this abominable show. Stepho and I are laughing our asses off at your insightful commentary.

Jon said...

This woman is going to get shit thrown at her every day for the rest of her life. Can we have a reality show that just tracks this activity and never goes off the air? That's what I want.