Monday, December 8, 2008

Only Tyra would do this.

A) giving mini ipods to little people.

B) playing dress-up and calling it a makeover.


Josh Xing said...

I actually feel bad for people who use ipod shuffles - smaller and less cool than mini ipods. Why is Tyra so evil?

yeeknauwshamon said...

she is the most patronizing bitch in the world

Phil said...

From now on, her show can no longer go by the name of "The Tyra Banks Show" - it must instead be called "The Dumb Oprah Show".

N.M.C. said...

I can't STAND Tyra. I wish she would just go away.

Ethyl Cannes said...

Wow. I have never been so hyper-aware of the words "little" and "mini" before.

El Clyne said...

:56 - 1:06 = Best LOL eva'.