Tuesday, June 10, 2008

MTV, a revisiting of my childhood.

There was once a time where the start of summer vacation meant that I would be watching far too much mtv. I would be able to catch up on all the videos and be able to watch video premieres. (oh hey, remember those?) The inevitable end of summer meant back to school, but more importantly the mtv video music awards. They had amazing performances and I was exposed to soo much. I'd like to post two of my all time favorite videos, the first is quite aparent, you can't have an MTV VMA convo without someone bringing this one up.

Madonna's Vogue Performance.

The Leningrad Cowboys. This performance had a profound affect on me as a kid. I was a almost 11 and I was wondering why I wasn't born Russian. Enjoy. Anyone else have any favorites?


N.M.C. said...

How did I miss the Leningrad Cowboys as a kid? HOW?

beetleginny said...

The year was 1994. Amazing, you tube them. I insist.

andy khouri said...

Ever since learning of the existence of Willie Ninja on Top Model. I am just philosophically offended by the idea of someone sustaining a living for decades on just for having created the Vogue dance.

That said, this performance is pretty rad. So far away from what MTV has become.