Monday, March 2, 2009

Hudson River Plane Landing Animation

I know this crash landing story has milked itself dry, but I nonetheless enjoyed this animation because I felt that the creators embellished two completely unnecessary aspects of the incident.

First of all, at the 0:17 mark, you will discover that the animators decided that a flock of geese would not be sufficient: this recreation need an INVASION OF GEESE. This is no ordinary flock of geese - these are the attacking hordes of Goose Mordor! After months of planning, these geese were finally ready to take over New York City. But then, disaster struck...

Secondly, at the 1:47 mark, why did they feel the need to make the passengers on the wing look like a house party on The Sims? I kept waiting for one of them to look up at the camera and start stomping their foot while a hamburger appeared in a thought bubble over their head. And on second thought, why waste the time and money to create that scene at all? We don't need a computer simulation of the passengers milling around outside of the plane - that part wasn't a mystery to us. That's like simulating the passengers eating at Sbarro's before they boarded the flight.

Anyway, if you ask me, this animation could have used a lot less geese (and a lot more of Colin's bear).


El Clyne said...

I fear what the internet will do to this video.

Jon said...

Holy shitting jesus, that's Goose Pearl Harbor and the Goose Blitz.

Joey Bahamas said...

LO Freiking-L at "Goose Mordor"...don't you just love a LoTR reference!


yeeknauwshamon said...

Clyne I may have to steal your boyfriend.

Josh Xing said...

That clip should have ended with, "Thanks for nothing."