Thursday, April 2, 2009

Fox News - Your Leader in Shitty Jam Bands

Mike Huckabee scraped the bottom of the artistic barrel over at Fox Business News and put together this band for a segment on his show. I'm not sure if the segment had a title, but I'm giving it one now: it's called "Mike Huckabee Proves that Literally ANYONE Can Perform in a Band on National Television!"

I was somewhat surprised by their sound - If you told me that a bunch of people who worked for Fox News were going to play music, I would have assumed that the resulting sound would resemble the death rattles of a thousand women and children rather than an actual song. Once I got past that amazement, I was able to recognize that they don't sound good anyway.


yeeknauwshamon said...

oh of course she's wearing a heart shaped yin yang symbol shirt. oh of course they're playing foo fighters. oh of course she's doing the over the head clap with the tambourine.

mechasunny said...
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mechasunny said...

Oh, good. I was looking for things to add to my 'guaranteed boner killer' file.

Josh Xing said...

Audience fail.