Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Joe Wong on Letterman

I'm not much for watching clips of stand up comedy on YouTube, there's something about the experience that isn't as funny or immediate as watching it live or on TV.

But I am entranced this clip of a scrawny, nerve-wracked, unknown comedian named Joe Wong absolutely killing it on Letterman. Partially because it is really funny, but partially because it came to me via this blog post by comedian Louis C.K.

Louis brings home what a great, unlikely moment this is for any comedian, and what it takes to nail it as well as the formerly anonymous Joe Wong.

If you have time, read the blog post first, if not, enjoy the video below.


Jon said...

That blog post and this video are seriously fucking great.

N.M.C. said...

I'm not good at sports. But, I like parallel parking. HA!

andy khouri said...

My favorite was of course the bit about having a wife and kids and not being afraid of death.

El Clyne said...

He's fantastic.

Strange anecdote- A few weeks ago Phil and I overheard a trashy touristy family talking about this clip. The mom in the group particularly liked his jokes about the convenience store, and she described him as "oriental" as she strained to be PC. People who pilgrimage to DC, as if it were mecca, are the worst people alive.