Thursday, April 2, 2009



just one more reason as to why i hate hate hate gene simmons. FOOL.


Sam Humphries said...

Never before has one employed so little intelligence to miss the mark by so far.

laurennmcc said...

Yeah, wow, I... wow. My brain is bleeding.

yeeknauwshamon said...

I want to see Gene Simmons impaled on a giant spear shaped like a dick.

yeeknauwshamon said...

I also want to point out that he is wearing the metal fingernail on his finger like in Never Too Young To Die.

Phil said...

You guys aren't looking at the big picture. Gene Simmons is trying to send us a message. And that message is, "I have a lot of money, and I can hire several big-breasted women for a full day to film a karaoke music video."

In terms of artistic value, I feel that this version by Mr. Simmons is actually a step below Weird Al Yankovic's spoof of this song, "Lousy Haircut" (

andy khouri said...

With all the many, many things about this video that are wholly wrong and vulgar in the extreme, the one that stands out as the most ridiculous to me is the director's occasional use of fire-like imagery in the letterbox area. It's as if he shot Gene Simmons and a bunch of sluts in a mansion somewhere and only later realized none of those things have anything to do with the starting of fires, so he just threw some fire shit in for good measure.

N.M.C. said...

Why does this exist? I mean, other than to cause me extreme pain?

Jon said...

A fucking pile of money must have exchanged hands at some point. But from whose hands to where? This is probably not information anybody wants.