Thursday, April 2, 2009

SE7EN Title Sequence

It's hard to imagine just how startlingly original this opening credits sequence was in 1995, given how completely ubiquitous this sort of aesthetic would later become. At the time, this thing creeped everybody out and inspired a generation of music video directors and designers. I'll never forget the first time I saw SE7EN, in a Jersey Shore basement, where my friends and I watched rated-R American movies instead of going to the beach. I digress, but I must say that if you've never seen SE7EN or THE USUAL SUSPECTS, I cannot recommend strongly enough that you do so, but watch SUSPECTS first and then SE7EN -- later in the same day, if possible. It will fuck you up.

Oh, and I suggest watching this in full-screen mode for the best possible effect.


N.M.C. said...

I was 15 when this came out, and a total NIN freak obsessed with serial killers. Seeing it in the theater was almost orgasmic.

Jon said...

Is this the first recorded instance of that "fucked-up serial killer with a Crazy Person Book" motif? The only other example I can think of off the top of my head is Red Dragon, but I feel like there have been others.

I used to own this movie on VHS. That's how much I loved it. I don't know why I don't have it on DVD now.

Josh Xing said...

My mom gave me the "birds and bees" talk while watching the lust part of Se7en. I was a little confused. I've thought women had razors in their vaginas ever since. You know what we call that, boys and girls? Nurture.